To lay or not to lay...

We have, as most people know, five beautiful hens: Henrietta, Hyacinth, Hattie, Harmony and Hilary.

Hyacinth hatched two chicks on Christmas Day last year and after doing the motherly thing for months, still hasn't begun to lay again. Hilary, one of the chicks, is still too young to lay.

Henrietta moulted for the first time earlier in the year and stopped laying. And Harmony started laying whilst we were on our holiday in April, but has since stopped due, no doubt, to the colder weather.

So, we've had to resort to buying eggs this year!

Well, out exciting news is that Hattie, our gorgeous little white and black Wyandotte, laid her first egg two days ago. Like her, the egg is little, but will no doubt be delicious.

In the meantime we have allowed the girls to free range and they now have two acres to discover. Its just wonderful to see them walk past my study window, and watch them 'leaf bathing' in the side garden.

I just hope they appreciate their freedom and repay us with an egg... or two.


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