The waiting is over ... thanks to the Internet

Over the years I have tried to remember the name of a board game I once saw on television. I was very young at the time but I remember it because it was unlike any other board game I had seen. You see, the 'board' was life-sized and the 'tokens' were real people.

The show was American and I have Googled every 1960s television game show ever aired on television. Last night I finally found it! The Show was called Video Village (not that the name even rang a bell) and I found a YouTube video of it at: Video Village

Its just as I remember it and I'm feeling vindicated today as I had asked so many people of a certain age if they remembered it, and nobody did!

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Several years ago whilst recuperating from an illness, I fell in love with a children's cartoon show on television. Here, again, I couldn't remember the name of it and nobody else could either. I loved watching the show as the cast of animal characters was just wonderful and there was so much humour and slapstick.

So after my exhilaration at finding Video Village I began my Google search for this show which was aired on the ABC. All I knew was that the cartoon was British and the main character was a piglet who lived on a farm with his grandfather. HIs friends were a female piglet, a duck, a calf and a sheep (who spoke with a New York accent).

Google gave me Peppa Pig amongst other farmyard pig cartoons, most of which I'd never heard of.
But finally I found Jakers! And of course I remembered then one of the reasons I had fallen in love with the cartoon was because they all (except for the sheep) spoke in lilting Irish accents.

Well, it took me a few years but I've finally found them both - and I know I'm not going mad... well not this week anyway.
