Chickens - what else?

Those of you who know me well, know that I am obsessed with my five beautiful girls: Henrietta, Hyacinth, Hattie, Harmony and Hilary. And you also know we're talking hens, not children! Its been a while since I wrote anything about them, or chickens in general for that matter, so here's a funny I picked up the other day.

A hen goes into the library and says to the librarian, 'Buuuk, buk, buk, buk', so the librarian gives her a book.

The next day the hen returns, throws the book on the counter and says, 'Buuuk, buk, buk, buk', so the librarian gives her another book. This goes on for several days.

The librarian thinks the hen must be a very fast reader, but wants to see for herself.

The next day the hen is back, returning the book and again saying, 'Buuuk, buk, buk, buk.' When she leaves with the new book the librarian follows her down the street, through the park to a pond.

The hen stands by it and says, 'Buuuk, buk, buk, buk,' Out of the pond hops a frog, takes one look at the book and croaks, 'Read it! Read it!

Couldn't help myself...

Hyacinth with Hilary - then

Hilary now!


  1. Finally learnt how to reply to you. This blog tickled my fancy.


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